Medihair Brazil Keratin Straightening Solution 300ml


1. Wash your hair with a deep-cleaning shampoo.
2. Blow-dry your hair until it is about 80% dry.
3. Divide your hair into 4-6 equal parts, apply the product starting from the bottom (shake well), and divide your hair into subsections.
4. Use gloves while working with the product.
5. Place a shower cap over your hair for 10-20 minutes.
6. Blow-dry your hair on medium heat until it is 100% dry.
7. Divide your hair into small sections and flat iron each section 6-7 times (for extremely curly hair, flat iron 10-15 times.)
8. Use 210°C for damaged hair and chemically treated hair, and 230°C for natural hair.
9. Rinse thoroughly and apply a deep conditioning mask for 5 minutes.